
We’re a strong, growing Build team looking for experienced builders providing quality work.
We plan to have a big future and a strong impact on the minecraft community.
Putting ourselves out there fast and becoming a strong team. We expect builders to put lots of effort and be on the server much to work on the builds for the community. You will be credited properly for all that you do with us and we can guarantee you’ll be known after a few months with the team. Our owners have a passion for this team and strive to become the best of the best, and most of all to enjoy it. We plan to become a large team with builders of many different styles as to provide the community with original work from our team and stretch the boundaries of imagination. We care about those in our team and those outside of it. Weather it’s advertising, making animations and cinematics, to joining the team and building with us, we give proper credit and enjoy the help.
To join just fill out the form below, We expect the best of the best, and nothing less.

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